View from Hahei beach! Beautiful.

Hot Water Beach, near Hahei, North Island. Due to the geothermal activity of the North Island, you can visit this beach and create your own beach jacuzzi. Or even better, start on one and then take up the kind offer of a ready made one as someone heads home.

A view towards Hot Water beach.

Half way along the hike to Cathedral Cove and we got a great view of one of the beaches and the cliffs along the way. Concordant or discordant?

A very useful guide to the formation of coastal erosion landforms.

View from inside one of the caves at Cathedral cove.

The spectacular arch at Cathedral cove. What types of coastal erosion would have caused this?

Stump at Cathedral Cove, Coromandel Peninsula, North Island. So what feature of coastal erosion did I not see after my long walk?

Brilliant picture to show the dangers of coastal erosion and a wave cut platform and notch. Note - Person not to scale. 😳

Lauren, Jenny - two of the G-Adventurers and me at Cathedral Cove.